Steps to success is a course designed specifically for students.
Who can attend the course?
This course is designed for students studying in class 7 to class 12.
Students of 12 years to 17years can attend the session.
What will the students learn from this course?
- students will learn about the importance of different areas in life
- they learn about the importance of balance in life
- learn to create and analyse the wheel of life
- learn the importance of setting Goals in Life
- learn to list their own goals in all areas of life
- learn to identify the important goals
- learn the SMART method of setting and achieving their goals.
- Learn different strategies to manifest their goal
- they learn to create Vision Board to achieve their life Goals
- Affirmations to achieve goals
- they learn different planning methods to achieve their goals.
- Various Activities to learn the steps and master them.
Is there anything to bring to class?
- Note book
- pen/pencil
Mode of Training
- Classroom session only after Covid