1. Designing Applications on Force.com Data Model and Navigation1. Designing Applications on Force.com Data Model and NavigationUse Case Help & TrainingHands-On Learn about factors to consider when building a data modelQuiz Develop custom objects and fields, encrypted fields, field help, field history tracking Use master-detail, lookup, and many-to-many relationships Create a user interface for custom applications using the custom object tab, page layout, and customization options Set field attributes on the page layout Use custom object queues and event-based workflow rules with field update actions Develop custom formulas and validation rules 2. Designing Applications for Multiple Users Learn about factors to consider when designing applications for multiple usersUse Case Create profiles, understand what a profile controls (including data access), and customize profiles to manage the user experienceHands-On Create and customize permission sets to manage the user experienceQuiz Customize the user experience with record types and page layouts Control access to records Employ organization-wide defaults (OWDs), sharing rules and levels, roles, public groups, and manual share Apply profiles, OWDs, role hierarchy, and sharing to restrict access to sensitive data Apply OWDs, public groups, and manual sharing to create conditional access to data Analyze suitability of field-level security, page layouts, types to satisfy business requirements 3. Implementing Business Processes Use the VLOOKUP, REGEX, ISCHANGED, ISNEW, and PRIORVALUE functions to build business processesUse Case Use validation rules to enforce conditional required behaviorHands-On Use functions to enforce data format and data consistencyQuiz Implement multi-step approval workflows and escalations to automate business processes Create parallel approval processes and approval processes with dynamic approval routing Use outbound messages as part of an approval process Establish approval process criteria with cross-object formulas Set up field history tracking to audit processes Learn techniques to prevent or record data changes 4. Managing Data Learn when and how to use upsertUse Case Determine object accessHands-On Use data management tools and the capabilities of API-based toolsQuiz Deal with record access exceptions Use the Force.com data loader to create mapping files and to upsert data 5. Force.com Pages Learn about the capabilities of Force.com pagesUse Case Incorporate Force.com pages into Salesforce CRMHands-On Construct expression bindings and incorporate Salesforce CRM into Force.com pages with componentsQuiz Use Force.com pages components to create page layouts, input forms, output tables, custom components, and more Create partial page refreshes on JavaScript events Learn about the functionality that comes with Force.com pages standard controllers Find out when Force.com code is required for creating custom controllers or extensions 6. Force.com Code (Apex) Describe the features, functionality, and use cases of ApexUse Case Describe the data types and syntax of ApexHands-On Describe how multi-tenancy affects ApexQuiz Write queries and complex joins using SOQL Write text-based searches using SOSL Manipulate data using Apex DML Write Apex triggers to automate code Describe the testing requirements of the Force.com platform Write Apex tests Create Apex web services using REST and SOAP Create callouts to external web services Send and receive email from Apex Write asynchronous Apex (batch, @future, and scheduled) Describe the capabilities of custom settings 7. Visualforce Controllers Understand the Visualforce framework, including its advantages and capabilitiesUse Case Use expressions to bind data and actions on a page to a controllerHands-On Understand the concepts behind controllers, including their functionality and capabilitiesQuiz Create custom controllers and standard controller extensions to incorporate new data and actions into a page Understand the security implications of using custom vs. standard controllers Implement wizards using custom controllers to handle the state and operations Create custom components that use custom controllers Test, debug, and deploy controllers