This Course is for those who want to learn Oracle database and SQL starting with basic to advanced. At the end of each lession, the students will be provided with hands-on exercises which will help increase their learning and analytical skills. I can assure that after completing this course, students can feel confident on writing simple as well as comples SQL queries and how to approach in understanding the rewuirements of a data set which is to be extracted and approach for the logic.
What You will learn at the end of this Course?
1. List the features of Oracle Database 11g
2. Discuss the theoretical and physical aspects of a relational database
3. Describe Oracle serverâ??s implementation of RDBMS and object relational database management system (ORDBMS)
4. Identify the development environments that can be used for this course
5. Describe the database and schema used in this course
6. Identify the major components of Oracle Database
7. Retrieve row and column data from tables with the SELECT statement
8. Create reports of sorted and restricted data
9. Employ SQL functions to generate and retrieve customized data
10. Run complex queries to retrieve data from multiple tables
11. Run data manipulation language (DML) statements to update data in Oracle Database
12. Run data definition language (DDL) statements to create and manage schema objects.