This workshop aims to demystify the Arduino microcontroller through hands-on work in the lab creating simple to complex machines with embedded applications. Arduino is a versatile resource for physical projects for students and hobbyists in all disciplines. This course makes students to basic and advance understanding of the terminology and potential of the Arduino. The skills and concepts taught in this course are presented from an interdisciplinary approach
which merges practices in engineering and technology.
The workshop content has been designed in three levels based on understanding and technical knowledge of students. Each module focuses on the essential technical skills fo creating a simple physical computing system followed by an interactive project. This course has
no technically difficult prerequisites. Students should just have knowledge of little bit of electronics and programming basics. Students can bring their laptop for basic software installation and to complete the excercises to build their simple projects.
Module 1 (Beginner Level)Â
Introduction to Arduino Platform
Arduino UNO / Mega Board Description (Block Diagram,Architecture,Overview of Techical Specifications)
Arduino IDE (Compiler)
C Programming Basics
Embedded Programming Basics
Basic Electronics Components, Regulated Power Supply, Batteries,Bread Board
I/O Peripherals (LED,16x2 LCD,20x4 LCD,DC Motor,Stepper Motor,Servo Motor,Switch,Matrix Keypad,Relay,Seven Segment Display and Multiplexing)
DC Motor Speed Control Using PWM
Analog sensors (LM35,LDR,Thermistor)
IR Proximity,Flame Sensor,Laser Module
Drivers (L293d,L298,ULN2003,ULN2803)
Serial Peripherals (Bluetooth Module,Zigbee Module), Timer Delay
Wireless Communication (RF Transmitter & RF Receiver), HT12E, HT12D
Mini Project
Module 2 (Intermediate Level)
Advance sensors (DHT11,HC-SR04,DS18B20,ADXL335, PIR,Gas Sensor)
Joystick Module, Joystick Shield
RFID Reader,GSM,GPS,Touch Screen Shield,TFT LCD Shield,Solid State Relay,Triac BT136, DS1307 RTC Module, APR9600 Voice Module,Tone Generation,LM386 Audio Amplifier
AC Power Control (Light Dimmer,Single Phase Induction Motor Speed Control),Peltier Plate,Solar Panel,Solar Charge Controller
Proteus Simulator, Serial Communication (Terminal Software)
Major Project
Module 3 (Expert Level)
Advance Sensors HMC5883L Magnetometer,BMP180 Temperature,Pressure and Altitude Sensor, Load Cell Using HX711 ,Flow Sensor,MPU6050 Gyroscope,TCS3200 color sensor)
Fingerprint Module R305 and working with SFG Demo Software for Fingerprint Management, Ethernet Shield Wiz5100, Ethernet Module,Cytron Wi-Fi Shield
ESP12E Wi-Fi Module, Dot Matrix Displays, Shift Register ICs
FM Transmitter and Receiver (TEA5767)
Li-Fi (Light Fidility) Communication
Major Project