Through this course, paticipants will learn the art of effective writing in a business context.
In effective business-writing, every person needs to deal with four C’s. Writing well in business means that we write Clearly, Concisely, Completely, and Correctly.
By reviewing the four C’s in writing it is my hope that you refresh your editing skills and your ability to cut extraneous language from your text.
At the end of the course, the participants will be able to achieve the following learning objectives.
- Demonstrate understanding about the various aspects that contribute to writing effectively
- Demonstrate what contributes to writing clearly in a professional environment
- Demonstrate what constitutes writing concisely in a professiona context
- Demonstrate what it means by writing completely in a business context
- Demonstrate what contributes to writing correcty
- Recognize and overcome the natural barriers to writing effectively
- Recognize and avoid common mistakes while writing a professional email
- Acquire knowledge about a good structure of writing business emails and reports
- Recognize and internalise the common 'Do's and 'Don't's of writing