To whom:
Any one who wants to start their creer as a backend web developer
What you'll get:
I'll teach to write code for backend for one small real time project.
If you want to secure your web site then your website should perform authentication against the users and allow only authenticated users to access the resourses of the website.
This authentication is the basic feature for modern websites.
You'll be learning to create the REST API for the authentication.
I'll explain how to use Token authentication for this project.
These end points can be useful for user registration, login and logut.
For this you'll be learning how to use some permission classes to modify the resources of your website.
We'll be using Postman Chrome extension to check the API working or not.
Creating each and every API and testing properly with Postman client.
You'll be learning how to user Postman for get, post, update and delete Http requests.
After successful completion of this course, the student can be able to create REST API end points on top of these for real time projects.
You can try for jobs, including Remote developer jobs as well.