Totally real-time and practical, giving real time scenarios and providing detail material not like other institute and providing detail interview questions and mock interviews. class recording will be providing showing realtime work and how it goes.
Resume preparation and explanation
Airgap installation, gitops, haproxy, openstack, Aws, azure everything will be provided.
Practical will be done in aws each and every concept clearly explained
No need to search from outside
What the company documents look like and where it would be
How to learn and grasp the things shown in detail
Clear view on each and every tool
Describing old tools and new tools comparison
Details about version and it's usage
How to speak in interview whiare doing domain change
Git,maven,docker,ansible,Jenkins,kuberne kub, rancher.
And discuss about helm and helm charts
What is gitops approach
Kubernetes operator
Deployment through rancher on cluster
Autodeploy hands on
Integrating tools with Jenkins and pipeline concepts