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Course offered by Sandeep Narayan
5 Avg Rating
4 Reviews
1 Students
7 Courses
Reiki Grand Master, traditional Usui Reiki
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5 out of 5 1 review
Susheela B
"I used to suffer from severe loose motion, fatigue and stomach cramps for a long time. As I had tried all remedies without success, I went to a purohit to ask about my health. I was told that someone had done black magic and that was affecting me. I heard of this divine healing and tried it. Within minutes, I started feeling better. I was also given holy water to drink for a week. By the end of that week, I was perfectly fine. Now I can work and am happy to be earning for my family again."
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5 out of 5 1 review
Susheela B
"I used to suffer from severe loose motion, fatigue and stomach cramps for a long time. As I had tried all remedies without success, I went to a purohit to ask about my health. I was told that someone had done black magic and that was affecting me. I heard of this divine healing and tried it. Within minutes, I started feeling better. I was also given holy water to drink for a week. By the end of that week, I was perfectly fine. Now I can work and am happy to be earning for my family again."
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