Address: IV Main Road, Gandhi Nagar , Adyar, Chennai - 600020
Locality: Adyar (Find more Adyar schools)
Phone: 044-24424445 044-24424446
English Medium
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Upload it now!A school which combines both traditional and modern technology to facilitate easy understanding and application of knowledge by students.The basic purpose of stimulating the young minds is well achieved through a system of close interaction between students ,teachers closely co-ordinated and supervised by experinced mentors.As the focuss is more towards helping the child to know his areas of strenght as well as weakness stands good in evolving and applying necessary course corrections enabling the student to progress forward with out any strain or tensions. That this school has helped many to to come to positions of prominence ,responsibility in public life is a standing testimony to the system of education followed here .We have seen Teachers getting avery pleasant greeting with gratitude and respect from their ex students- what else a guru would want other than Seeing their students shining in life and living.
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Prakash 02/01/2015
Pradhyumnavenkat 17/11/2014
Preetha 15/10/2014
kavitha 07/03/2014
Ramesh 28/02/2014
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