Address: Plot No. 32 & 33, Road No. 1 , K.P.H.B, Hyderabad - 500072
Locality: APHB Colony (Find more APHB Colony schools)
Landmark: Near Sitara Hrand Hotel
Phone: +91-40-64592123 +91-9391958989
English Medium
It is now a well-established fact that the competence of a preschool curriculum has a significant impact during the child's early developmental years. It is this segment of Early Childhood Learning and Development that BACHPAN.. a play school caters to.
As the words itself suggests, Bachpan refers to early childhood and Play school education is a phase of introducing children to fundamental learning through the use of a medium that is engaging, less straining and more recreational in nature.
* We have structured our classrooms and outdoor spaces in such a manner that there is ample space to provide safe and free movement for the children.
* We have ensured that our classrooms design sticks to the idea of smaller student/teacher ratios and are well-lit with both natural and artificial light and are well-ventilated.
* Seating arrangement has been designed in such a manner that it is conducive for child to be seated with a good posture and the teachers can maintain a constant vigil in the classrooms.
* The outdoor space is secured as any outside interference is discouraged and any supposed or apparent source of possible injury is removed, making the campus safe.
* Each building has been constructed adhering to the most stringent of safety standards including making the entire campus equipped with fire and electrical safety norms.
* Our play schools have been conceptualised and built in a bright, multi-coloured and attractive format in order to invigorate a child mind.
Additional Details:
We have developed a Preschool environment that is competent of addressing most issues that Preschool children present. The idea is to provide children with an unrestricted option of activities to choose from and then help them identify their preferences or dislikes and then refining their preferences in a more productive manner. We use a combination of traditional preschool favourite activities such Art and Dance programs and the latest that the world of multimedia has to offer to ensure that the child doesn't develop a sense of discomfort with the things that would soon make up his surrounding.
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