Address: Shirgaon - Gahunje , , Near Talegaon Dabhade,, Pune - 410506
Locality: Talegaon Dabhade (Find more Talegaon Dabhade schools)
Phone: 09326460814 , 09326460815
English Medium
The school aims to provide exceptional opportunities for the development of the academic abilities of its students. The curriculum is framed to ensure that the student learns to use the resources of his mind and forms himself by his own exertions.
Principal: Dr. Subhash Kumar
Extra-curricular Activities:
Sports - Cricket, hockey, football, handball, basketball, volleyball, lawn and clay tennis, table tennis, badminton, chess and carrom, softball, cycling, weight-training, gymnastics, rock climbing, archery, shooting, horse riding, swimming, billiards and snooker
Other Activities - music, drama, debates, creative writing, photography, book-craft, wood craft, aeromodelling, leather work, clay modelling, sketching, painting, electronics, sculpture and environment studies
- Science Laboratory
- Mathematics Laboratory
- IT & Resource Centre
- Library
- Theatrical & Performing Arts Room
- Crafts Room
- modern, well-equipped auditorium
Admission Details:
The admissions process is designed to enrol boys of the highest promise, while assuring a wide diversity of background and aptitudes within the student body.
A registration form is included in the prospectus. Registration for admission opens in January. Filling the registration form does not guarantee admission, nor is the registration fee refundable. Applicants are required to appear for an admission test (in English, Mathematics, Second Language and General Knowledge), the date and venue of which will be communicated at the time of registration. Selected candidates must produce Transfer Certificates from the school last attended at the time of admission.
Admissions are open from classes IV to VIII. Except for class IV, which is the entry point, admissions for other classes are made available subject to the possible vacancies due to withdrawals. For classes other than class IV,parents may register their boys at their own risk.
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D 28/05/2016
Neelam 28/05/2016
Nimisha 26/03/2015
Ashish kumar Shah 09/05/2014
Kishori Agarwal 31/03/2014
Jaydev Pawar 30/03/2014
shiveen agarwal 12/03/2014
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