Currently, the entire world is facing the severe pandemic of 2020, i.e., COVID-19 (Coronavirus Outbreak). COVID-19 effects physical well being and certainly lead to death. In such an epidemic, one way or the other our mental health and psychosocial wellbeing are also get affected invariably. Since January 2020 till March 2020 millions of people were affected, and hundreds of deaths happened around all over the world. Managing our physical health, along with psychosocial issues, is also plays an essential and specific role individually. About 20% of mental health issues generated during this crisis which is a quite promising worry for mental health professional as well. A healthy mind needs a healthy environment. In the current scenario, most of the people are worried about their health safety which makes you more stressed. Stress issues develop many anxiety symptoms and their associated mental health problems. In these hard times, we try to maintain our spiritual support to cause of positivity. Those who are already challenged and facing mental health issues finding it difficult to cope up with such a situation. For us and everyone, we try to take measures and not feel helpless in this situation. We can always choose our response.
We can control and support the mental health issues by talking to them by giving them positive messages and understanding psychosocial support by such measures:
- Take care of yourself and the people around you in this pandemic.
- Exercise is a useful measure for both physical and mental health.
- In isolation, try to feel and notice sound, environment, sights in your present moment.
- Eat healthy and sufficient food which makes you more happy and satisfied.
- Engaging in mindfulness activities is one way to help stay grounded when things feel beyond your control.
- Stay connected and talk to your loved ones and share your worries and mental health issues.
- For older adults, practical and emotional support is must needed.
- In children, creative activity such as painting, playing can facilitate to express their views and emotions.
- If you and anyone around you are particularly anxious and worried about mental health is always better to reach out to a psychological professional for support.
Stay safe, Stay Healthy, Stay Mentally active.