Address: #129 Ranikuti , Regent Park, Kolkata - 700040
Locality: Regent Park (Find more Regent Park schools)
Landmark: Near Regent Park Bazar
Phone: +91-33-24116086
English Medium
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Contact Person: N. Pal
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Upload it now!the base of the school is judged by the ranking in 10 and 12 level and the number of students ranked in WBJEE and IIT..
I do have a doubt till date has anyone from that schont and has cleared iIIT or has a ranking in WBJEE or in 10th or 12th .
If even just count the number of students ....................if ur intellige enough and has a basic sense of education procedure ............u'll be able to judge the school.
To me , in 1 sense , the fees structure compare to the education level proves only a business institution.
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