Interactive Web Application
- HTML and CSS are not interactive. You cannot create interactive applications using HTML and CSS.
- JavaScript allows you to interact with a web page like clicking a button, validate form data, resize window etc.
HTML 5 + CSS 3 + JavaScript = Interactive Web Application
Rich Internet Application- RIA
- RIA (Rich Internet Applications) are a special breed of web applications where the user interface has much richer functionality.
- RIA user interfaces are typically developed using HTML5 + JavaScript + CSS3, Flex (Flash).+ Angular JS + Bootstrap + JQuery
JavaScript Frameworks
There are lot of JavaScript frameworks available in market.
- Ember JS
- Backbone JS
- Knockout JS
- React JS
Need for Angular JS
- Modular Development (Service, Controllers, Routers etc)
- Reusable Components (Directives)
- Two way data binding
- Unit Testing frameworks
- Client Requirement