Address: 1 Church Road , Khadki , Pune - 411003
Locality: Khadki (Find more Khadki schools)
Landmark: Near Khadaki Police Station
Phone: +91-20-25813969
English Medium
The school is affiliated to MAHARASHTA BOARD. All Saint's High School It Is An English medium And co-educational School. School's aim is to equip its students with intellectual and practical skills necessary to meet the challanges of the future.
School days: 6 Day's
School timings: 7 : 30 AM - 1 :30 PM
Year Established: 1966
Extra-curricular Activities:
sports onstate level govt drawing exam, scholorship
Separate building , private computer class,
Admission Details:
Admission Open: January
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Satyam Gupta 21/06/2014
Nilesh Jadhav 13/03/2014
maillot allemagne coupe du monde 2010 30/07/2013
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