C++ Language
If you want to learn programming then this is the second programming language that you have to leran after C Language.
It will give you the basic knowledge that what is Object oriented programming, what is the object, what is the properties or attributes of an object, what is the functions or methods or operations or behavior of an object.
You learn how to do object oriented programming and object oriented analysis.
What you learn
Object Oriented Concepts
â?¢ Difference between procedure oriented programming and object oriented
â?¢ Advantages of object oriented programming.
â?¢ Object oriented analysis and design.
Data Encapsulation and Data Hiding
â?¢ Class and object
â?¢ Data hiding with access sepcifier or visibility mode(Private,Protected,Public)
â?¢ Use of scope resolution operator
â?¢ Concept of reference variable
â?¢ Inline functions
â?¢ Function overloading or Method overloading
â?¢ Static variable and static function
â?¢ Default arguments
â?¢ Objects as function arguments
â?¢ Returning object from function or method
â?¢ Constructor and destructor
â?¢ This pointer
â?¢ Constructor overloading
â?¢ Arrays of objects
â?¢ Types of inheritance(Single Level,Multiple,Multi Level,Tree Type, Hybrid)
â?¢ Virtual Class
â?¢ Method Overriding
â?¢ Inheritance Access Specifier(Private,Protected and Public)
â?¢ Constructor and Destructor calling in Inheritance
â?¢ Static and dynamic polymorphism
â?¢ Operator overloading(Unary, Binary,Comparision)
â?¢ Friend function
â?¢ Operator overloading using friend fuction
â?¢ Type Conversion(Basic to Basic, Class to Basic, Basic to Class,Class to Class)
â?¢ Memory Management(new and delete operator)
â?¢ Virtual function
â?¢ Pure virtual fuction
â?¢ Abstract class
File I/O
â?¢ Character by character reading and writing(Char I/O)
â?¢ String I/O
â?¢ Object I/O
â?¢ IO manipulators for formating output
â?¢ Command Line Arguments
â?¢ Template function(Generic fuction)
â?¢ Template classes(Generic classes)
â?¢ Overloading with template function
Exception Handling
â?¢ Use of try catch and throw statment