Indirekte Rede Theorie The aim of this section is to learn how to say / to report what somebody else said before. German English Er sagte, er habe keine Zeit. Sie meinte, sie...
Hallo! Wie heißen Sie? Ich heiße Maya. Und Sie? Ich bin Klara.Es ist schön, mich begrüßen zu dürfen.Ich bin zeit diesem Oktober hier in diesen Firma angestellt.Vorher...
Greetings Learners, Lets learn numbers in German today. I also share the audio in German and in the class we practice together so you get the exact pronounciation from native German speaker as well and...
Let's see how do we greet/wish people in German Language. Guten Morgen = good morning Hallo= hello Guten Tag = good afternoon/good day Guten Abend = good evening Gute Nacht = good night Tschüss...
PREPOSITIONS WITH AKKUSATIVE The following prepositions that always take an Accusative article: bis - indicates an end point of time or place. Example: Der Zug fährt bis Frankfurt. Ich...