I am eating a pizza. She woke up at 5am. We bought a bouquet for our mother. Hmm. Read the sentences. And again. What's happening? What are the elements that you notice? We shall look at the three...
A (aa) B (bey) C (cey) D (dey) E (ey) F (ef) G (gay) H (haa) I (ii) J (yot) K (kaa) L (el) M (em) N (en) O (o) P (pay) Q (ku) R (er) S (es) T (tey) U (u) V (fau) W (whey) X (iks) Y (yipsilon) Z (tzet)
There are basically there Articles in German: Definite article: the Der Die Das Indefinite Article: a/an ein Eine Ein Example: This is a book Das ist ein Buch. Das means also this/ that.
Temporal Adverbs of Frequency in German Language Adverbs are words that give additional information about a verb. Temporal adverbs of frequency are specific category of adverbs that tell you how...