Aim of this section is to learn how to use modal verbs. German English Ich muss nach Hause gehen. Er sollte das Buch lesen. Wir können das Visum bekommen. I must go...
There are basically there Articles in German: Definite article: the Der Die Das Indefinite Article: a/an ein Eine Ein Example: This is a book Das ist ein Buch. Das means also this/ that.
Hi All, As you must have seen that one simple verb/word has many variations. Just by adding one suffix or prefix, the entire meaning of that word gets changed. Therefore, to give you more detail about...
The German Prepositions that take both the accusative and the dative cases are : In, an,auf,vor,hinten,über,unten,neben,zwischen Since these prepositions alternately take the accusative...
Indirekte Rede Theorie The aim of this section is to learn how to say / to report what somebody else said before. German English Er sagte, er habe keine Zeit. Sie meinte, sie...