schreiben: to write German : Ich schreibe ihm einen Brief. English: I write a letter to him. abschreiben: to copy German: Sie sollten die Antworten nicht abschreiben. English: You should not copy...
DETERMINING THE GENDER To ease the matter further for you, I am including here some rules and some hints to know and to make out the gender of the nouns in German. Please note that these rules and hints...
SEPARABLE AND INSEPARABLE VERB Most of the students I have come across in my teaching career have always thought separable verbs as a phenomenon unique to German. This is not so. Separable verbs are also...
Hello Students, For learning any language the first step is learning the alphabets. Lets learn some German Alphabets. In German we call it as die Buchstaben. der Buchstabe The Alphabet die...