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Tips of learning Java Language/Other Programming Languages

ICreative Solution
03/02/2017 0 0

1.You should know the basic concept:
If we talk about programming languages so basic concept are same in all the high level languages. So you should know the basic concept firstly then you can easily understand & learn that how it works.

2.Practice of Coding more and more:
Practice to code what you have learned. It is not necessarily to be long and complicated, just code those simple problems from java tutorials like entering a number and outputting what you entered or much simpler- outputting a certain word or sentence using the System.out.println() predefined function. Just do more and more coding practice.

3.Tracing Your Codes on Paper:
This is really a great help for beginners and the best way on becoming an expert. It is just like you are “thinking like the compiler”. Understanding your code on paper gives you hard time at first but when you are into it, you will be a fast learner in no time.

4.Don’t Rush Yourself for Deadlines:
Take the time and invest the care to find out how to do it the right way. Don’t set deadlines for your work. You are a learner and you need to do, as much as you can. You need to be patience. Learning of programming language is a time taking process.

5.Don’t Spend Lots of Time Learning Big Chunks of Data:
Just do more and more practice; do not spend your too much time of reading codes. This will not help you because you can’t memorize codes you need to understand it then apply it.

6.Set Your Algorithm Carefully:
Try to make algorithm then apply it to the coding form. In solving a problem, you must set your algorithm first. That is making a step by step approach on how you solve the problem and output the necessary output it needed. It does not really mean that if your program runs, you are already done. No, what you need is to see its output first and to be able to rate if your program is correct, test it with any possible output it may give. After a series of tests, if it gives the correct output that the problem needs then, congratulation but if not, you need to check your algorithm again and try to trace your code. If the problem persists, the next step will be helpful to you.

7.Read Any Sources for Java Programming as many as possible:
There are many sources that can be found using the net and in the library. You can find unlimited sources on the web. Join forums concerning this language or sites that primarily offer Java Programmers, whether an expert or a beginner, to be their members. Just try it and you will see the advantages it will bring you.

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