Address: M.E.S. Ring Road, Bangalore - 560013
Locality: Jalahalli (Find more Jalahalli schools)
Phone: 080-28383180
This school was established way back in the early 90's with the state board syllabus. In 2007-08, it's New School of ICSE category was started in the name of AC SCHOOL. The state school is known as St. CLARET. It has a sprawling and serene campus away from the hustle and bustle experienced in Bangalore city. A parent can be sure of their child's safety. The school also boasts of well appointed teachers, a well sufficient set up upgraded ever on enabling all round development of the children. The School is run by the Claretian Fathers, A kerala based Christian Missionary ensuring convent instilled teaching and learning. The Campus also houses a PU and degree College. The establishment will surely reach great heights an accomplishments in the years to come.
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