Exercise, workout, running, swimming and all physical activities, should be part of our routine not only for weight loss but also for good health.
I can see many people who are thin or slim, feel proud about their body and think that they don't need to workout or gym or yoga because they are all beautiful and fit just because they are slim.
Remember, always your body will do everything to keep you in an equilibrium state or homeostasis state. And you will never be aware of efforts your body applied daily just for this process. Once all of its efforts are made, you will be surrounded by many diseases and health issues. And then we say, suddenly this thing happened to me, till yesterday it was all fine. NO, IT' S NOT SUDDENLY. It's just you were not aware of your body's day to day efforts.
So, why to wait for something to happened and then go for a change.
If you want to save your body for the future, change your routine NOW!