This visual art form is basically divided into three types namely: Portrait sketch, Croquis sketch, and Pochade Sketch. Sketching can be done in any drawing medium including, pencil, pastel, graphite and much more. As we all acknowledge that, this powerful form of art is highly beneficial, thus below are the list of 5 advantages of sketching.
1. Sketching is all about exploring or capturing thoughts or a moment thus, we often says, sketching is simply a translating of an imagery mind to a paper in a visual form. Since, sketching is completely evolved with the thought process, it help develop the visual thinking skill- the skill that helps develop creativity- new ideas and designs. Not only that, it also extends the memory power with the help of visualization.
2. Sketching as a powerful problem-solving and communication tool as it helps in communicate better. A sketching express and speaks louder than the sketch maker, as sketching is considered as an index of the sketch maker mind. Simply, it’s one of the most powerful yet an effective form of communication, with the help of pencil or pen.
3. In this world, there is various type of people available. Among all, some are expressive and some are certainly not. For those inexpressive souls, sketching, drawing etc are generally their close companion as they express better with them. Thus, we often called sketching a communicable language of art.
4. Sketching is a creative skill of an individual. Thus, regular sketching and being able to express and communication yourself better helps build up confidence. When you know your ability, you definitely feel better and confidence about yourself.
5. Sketching increases the focus/ concentration level, as we all know the deeper the thought, the richer the concepts. Not only that, sketching is often considered a stress buster as it keeps up your mind (being able to gain a peace of mind) and soul to stay active or healthy.