Returnable transport packaging material
Normally we will order material to vendor and vendor will deliver the material inexpensive packaging material. Once we consumed the normal material then we have to return the packaging material.
This contains the below steps.
1. Creation of normal PO.
2. Posting the Goods receipt.
3. Check the stock status for both normal and packaging material.
4. Return the packaging material.
1. Creation on normal PO - ME21N.
We will create a purchase order for normal material. Enter the material, qty, delivery date, plant and storage location and save the PO. The purchase order will be created.
2. Posting the Goods receipt - MIGO.
While receiving the material the vendor put that normal material into the expansive packaging material. So while posting the GR we have click on non ordered item and enter the packaging material. (Returnable packaging material has to be created before posting the Goods receipt). Enter the packaging material, qty and movement type should be 501 with special stock indicator M.
3. Check the stock status for both normal and packaging material MMBE.
Both the normal material and the RTP material stock will be updated in the system. For RTP material the stock will be updated as special stock.
4. Return the packaging material.
Once we consumed the normal material then we have to return the material. Go to MB1C enter the movement type as 502 and special stock indicator as M. Enter the material, qty then click on post. Now the packaging material will be removed from the IM level.