1. It is a new programming language that was created by Apple.
2. It is entirely built from the ground up.
3. It was announced at the WWDC in June of 2014.
4. But it was in development for number of years before announcement.
5. It takes the best features of several different languages and combines them into something brand new.
6. Swift is intended as a replacement for C-based languages like C, C++ and Objective-C.
7. But what about Obj-C? Are we just supposed to throw our Obj-C code out and covert it all to Swift?
8. Well, Objective-C isn’t leaving the Apple eco system anytime soon. There are a vast number of existing API’s written in Obj-C that may never get converted.
9. But that’s not gonna be a problem because Swift and Objective-C are interoperable.
10. Lets see some of the other Highlights of Swift:
i. Safety: Building safety in the first place is to prevent bugs, that is developer mistake should be caught before software is in production.
ii. Flexibility: Swift adapts the lot of power and flexibility of functional programming but still maintaining basically an object oriented approach.
a. Productivity: Features like closures and Type Safe enumeration should make coding faster.