Microsoft Azure Course Content
Lesson 1: Introduction to Azure
- Overview of On-premise infrastructure
- The transition from On-premise to datacenter housing & managed data centres and finally to cloud
- Overview of Cloud deployment models
- Overview of Azure accounts and subscriptions
- Overview of different admin roles - Account admins, Service admins and Co-Admins
- Overview of different Azure portals
- Azure account creation through Microsoft or Organization account.
- Managing Azure through the Azure portal
- Managing Azure through Azure Powershell
- Azure Powershell basics
Lesson 2: Implementing and Managing Azure Networking
- Overview of Azure networking and Vnet solutions
- VNET implementation using the Azure portal
- Network COnfiguration file
- Affinity group and regional VNET
- Azure DNS and its requirement
- Azure Addressing
- Cross-premises connectivity overview
- Implementing Point to Site VPN gateway
- Implementing Site to site VPN gateway using VNET to VNET gateway
- VNET Peering
- Express routing in Azure
Lesson 3: Planning and implementing Azure Data services - Storage, Backup and Recovery
- Overview of Azure Data services.
- Azure storage account and creation
- Azure storage account Redundancy models
- Azure Storage account types
- Overview and Implementation of Blob Storage through portal and PowerShell
- Overview and Implementation of Table Storage through portal and PowerShell
- Overview and Implementation of Queue Storage through portal and PowerShell
- Overview and Implementation of File Storage through portal and PowerShell
- Overview of Azure Backup and Backup Vault
- Azure Backup components and differences between these components
- Implementing Azure Site Recovery
Lesson 4: Planning and implementing Azure SQL database
- Overview of Relational database.
- Types of RDP service offering from Azure - IAAS and PAAS based
- Azure SQL Database - Service Tiers
- Overview of performance metrics
- Implementing the Azure SQL database - Creation, security and monitoring\
- Migration of MS SQL server database to Azure SQL database
- Restoring a database
- The provision, configure and manage the Azure SQL Database datamanagement service.
- Manage data recovery and availability for Azure SQL Database.
Lesson 5: Implementing Azure Cloud service
- Overview of Azure ASM model/Classic model
- Planning and deploying Azure cloud services
- Managing and maintaining cloud services
- Configuring deployment slots and Remote Desktop Protocol.
- Monitoring Cloud service
- Configure PaaS cloud services by using configuration files or the Azure portal.
- Differences between ARM and ASM deployment models
Lesson 6: Implementing and managing Virtual machines
- Overview of IaaS v2 virtual machines
- Planning and deploying for Azure virtual machines
- Authoring Azure Resource Manager templates
- Using Azure PowerShell and an Azure Resource Manager template to deploy virtual machines
- Implementing desired state configuration.
- Implementing storage space–based volume
- Implementing Azure load balancers]
Lesson 7: Implementing Azure App services
- Introduction to App Service
- Planning app deployment in App Service
- Implementing and maintaining web apps
- Configuring web apps
- Monitoring web apps and WebJobs
- Overview and implementation of Traffic manager
- Select an App Service plan and deployment method for apps in Microsoft Azure
- Use Microsoft Visual Studio, File Transfer Protocol (FTP) clients, and Azure PowerShell to deploy web and mobile apps to Azure
- Configure web apps and use the Azure WebJobs feature to schedule tasks.
- Use Azure Traffic Manager to distribute requests between two or more app services.
Lesson 8: Implementing the Azure Active Directory
- Creating and managing Azure AD tenants
- Configuring application and resource access with Azure AD
- Overview of Azure AD Premium
- Administering Active AD
- Configuring SSO
- Configuring Multi-Factor Authentication
- Configuring SSO from a Windows 10–based computer that is joined to Azure AD
- Extending on-premises Active Directory domain to Azure
- Implementing directory synchronisation by using Azure AD Connect
- Implementing federation
- Configuring directory synchronisation