1. OOP with Python - 2 Hr
2. ETL with Python - 1 Hr
3. Databases - MySql, MongoDB, ElsticSearch, Neo4J - 2 Hr
4. Data Processing - Pandas, Regular Expression - 1 Hr
5. Beautiful Soup & Topical Crawling - 1 Hr
6. Feature Selection - Correlation, PCA, Mutual Information - 2 Hr
7. Supervised Learning -
     Classification - Naive Bayesed, Random Forest, Support Vector Machine - 2Hr
    Regression - Least Square, Logistic,
    Semisupervised Learning, Biased Data, Categorcal Data - 2Hr
8. Unsupervised Learning - Hierarchical & K-Mean Clustering - 3 Hr
9. Deep Learnig - Backpropogation, Convolution & Recurrent - 3 Hr
10. Hadoop MapReduce - 3 Hr
11. Spark - 3 Hr
12. Data Analytics in Cloud (GCP & AWS) - 3 Hr
13. Reinforcement Learning - 2 Hr
13. Introduction to NLPÂ
         - Tf-idf & Language modelling - 2 Hr
          -POS Tagging - 1 Hr
         - Sentiment Analysis - 1 Hr
          - Chatbot or Dialog System - 2 Hr
          - Translation - 2 Hr
          - Sumarry writer - 1 Hr
14. Time Series Aanlysis - AR, MA, ARMA, ARIMA, SARIMA -4 Hr
15. High Performance Data Analytics - MPI, OpenMp, CUDA - 4 Hr
16. Introduction to computer vision
                - object recognation, sentiment analysis, motion tracking, image search - 5 Hr
Student can take individual module. Projects are available for real Data Set. Freshers and professinals both are welcome.