C is one of the most popular computer language today. C language was developed by Dennis Ritchie in 1972. C is portable, Robust, Procedure oriented, High level programming language.
C requires compiler to convert code from High level to Machine(Low) Level. Machine Level Language is also known as Binary Language understood by Machines(Computers). High level Languages are written in English Language or Human Understandable code. And hence we requires to convert code from Human to Machine to see the output.
Program is Collection of statements or code written to solve any purpose. We all are making software to overcome the problems which humans are facing. Software is collection of thousands of programs.
Token is smallest portion of the C Program. We can say than one line of code is written with some special words, characters, Symbols, etc. That individual word, character or symbol si known as Token.
Keyword = Key + Word means Important word. which have special meaning in C programming Language.
Data Type:- is used to store any perticular type of value in c programming. just like we have to store our name, any id number of student, or number of marks obtained by the student in one subject, unit of electricity bill. Then we have to store it into specific type.Just like Number (int,float, double) , Character(char).
Header file:- included into the header part of the C Program. It is used for using some functions into our program. like in below program for Printf() we must have to include "Standard Input Output Headefile" and for Clrscr() and getch() functions we must have to include "Console input output header file."
void main()
printf("Hello C programming");
Output: Hello C programming