Let me list few standard questions asked in the interviews on plsql package.
1. Why packages are used? What are it's advantages?
2. Name few bulin-in Oracle packages.
3. Can we have a function or procedure declared in Package specification and not defined in package body and why?
4. Can we have a function or procedure not declared in Package Specs and defined in Package body alone?
5. What are private components in Plsql packages?
6. Can we have only a Package specification and no body at all? If yes, under what circumstances? Such a Package specification would be compiled without errors?
7. Can we have Package body alone and no Specs? Will it be compiled without errors?
8. What is overloading and how is it accomplished in Oracle?
9. What are restrictions on overloading?
10. What are differences between and advantages/disadvantages of stand alone and packaged procedures/Functions?
11. What is forward declaration?
12. What are the disadvantages of Pacakges?
13. What is session varibale and how is it defined in package?
14. How Packages improve or degrade performance?
15. What is pragma serially_reusable and why is it used?
These questions actually cover the entire lesson on Plsql Packages.