Hello Everyone, sometimes it is very diffcult to say 'No' and ask what we want without hurting ourselves and others at the same time. Creating a balance in which our needs and wants are met considering needs, wants and emotions of others where it is a win - win situation for everyone.
Learning about this balance is called Assertiveness. Developing your self confidence by having deep understanding of who you are, what are your feelings, thoughts increase your chances of controlling your mind and emotions.
A formal definiton of Assertiveness: Assertiveness means expressing one's thoughts, ideas, and emotions in an honest,straightforward and correct way thereby respecting other's thoughts and beliefs while defend our own.
Developing assertive behaviour: Though it is not easy to attain assertiveness because of our own values, guilt feelings and anxiety but a constant practice towards this skill can certainly be adapted using following principles:
1. Use of more "I" statements than "you" statments. Like I feel, I believe.
2. Learn to say No when you need to.
3. State your view points clearly, keeping the facts in front of them without being judmental to them.