Remember the way you are going to present your paper will leave a long lasting impact on the examiner's mind. Here are a few suggestions that you must follow to avoid loosing marks unnecessarily.
1. Don't mix rough work and fair work:-
You can make a separate space and do all the rough work. This will make your answer script look more organized and your answers well put.
2. Writing Reasons/formulas wherever Necessary:-
Writing formulas, reasons and other important information will not only create a positive impact but will also fetch you more marks as reasons and formulas carry marks.
3. Handwriting does play a part:-
The way you write is important because examiner should be able to understand what you have written. If you have a good handwriting, it's definitely a plus.
Make sure your handwriting is at least readable when you write the exam.
4. Leave at least 2 lines space after each question:-
This is done to make sure two consecutive attempted answers do not merge with one another.
5. Put Final Answer in a Box:-
Highlighting final answer by putting it in a box helps to conclude the answer in much presentable way.