This is my first lesson for you guys. Hope you enjoy reading it.
In recent community questions, I found many people wanted to be good programmers, or wanted to have good hands on certain language, be it C, C++, Java etc. My message for them is, Be Patient, if you have intent to become a good programmer, start programming today. We usually procastinate, thinking that, first I will learn a language then I will start programming. And this is the only step we go completely wrong.
The first step to programming is, whatever concept you learn you program it, try different ways to program it. Programming is a skill which cannot be developed overnight. No doubt searching a solution to a problem requires skill, aptitude, reasoning all are clubbed in it.
Initially, start with a hello world program in notepad.
Compile it with command prompt and look for errors and warnings.
Then, run it from command prompt only.
Once its executed, try to understand each line you wrote in the program, and try playing with it.
Next you should make a program to accept integer values and print it on the screeen.
Then futher to accepting strings with and without spaces.
This is the gradual way in which you make your programming fundamentals strong.
Once you are good with fundamentals, you are ready to take big tasks and move up the ladder.
Just try to keep things simple. Always keep pencil and paper with you while programming, as it requires lot of calculations and if's and but's.
Its well said that, programming is nothing but just set of if - else, for, do - while and while arranged in a logical sequence to get desired output.