There are two main endings in Dutch for formation of plural nouns:
(1) en,
(2) s
Ending on an en.
Rule 1: noun+en
Tip: Just add en to the nound, example lamp- lampen (lamps), konigin- koniginnen (kings).
Note if there is a short consonant sound at the end of the word like konigin, rok, geval then the consonant is doubled up before adding the suffix en. So rok becomes rokken, konigin becomes konniginnen, and geval becomes gevallen. Similarly is there is a long consonant then it should be shortened by deleting the vowel and adding en, example, peer- peren (pears), gevaar- gevaren (dangers).
Rule 2 for en endings: If the word ends on f then it changes to v before suffixing en and if it ends on s then it changes to z.
Example: Neus- neuzen (noses), brief- brieven (letters). The exception to this rule are tovenaar (wizard), and certain nouns ending on an o, u, a such as auto (car), menu (menu), programma (programme)- all these take the apostrophe s not en. So auto become auto's, menu becomes menu's.
Rule 3: For en endings these are the list of irregular nouns that take eren or en:
Kind: Kinderen,
Kalf: Kalveren,
Ei: Eiren,
Gemoed: Gemoederen,
Goed: Goederen,
Volk: Volkeren,
Been: Beenderen,
Dag: Dagen,
Dak: Daken,
Dal: Dalen,
God: Goden,
Schot: Schoten.