Addition in French means ‘the sum ‘or ‘the bill at a restaurant’, while Addition in English means ‘ the process of adding something to something else ‘. So, while paying your l’addition in a hotel, check if there is wrongful addition.
Coin in French is ‘a corner ‘, while Coin in English is ‘a piece of metal used as money ‘. Now, go dans un coin and count your coins.
French Chair is ‘ flesh ‘ in English and English ‘Chair is ‘ Chaise ‘ in French.
‘A diary ‘ is called Une Agenda in French while in English An Agenda is ‘a list of items to be discussed at a formal meeting ‘. Note down the agenda to be discussed Dans un agenda.
Blesser doesn’t mean ‘to bless ‘ in French; instead, it means ‘to injure ‘, ‘ to wound ‘, ‘ to hurt ‘ ….Blessed not to be blessé.
Similarly, in French Attend doesn’t mean ‘to attend ‘like in English, it’s real meaning is ‘to wait ‘, and the verb is ‘ Attendre ‘ in French.
Assist in English is ‘to help ‘, but in French Assister à means ‘to attend a meeting, conference etc. ‘.
Main is ‘hand ‘ and Pain is ‘bread ‘ in French …. To have Pain ( bread ) in hand ( main ).
Four is not a number in French like in English; it’s ‘an Oven ‘ to bake.
I am going to bake four cakes in a Four, while you read the other words similar to English but have different meanings in French -
Bibliothèque is the library in French while Librairie is a bookshop.
Sensible is not ‘sensible ‘as in English but ‘Sensitive’ in French.
- I intended to write a Court ( Short ) answer, but it has become too long, but anyway, I hope you liked it.