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Answered on 17 Jan Learn Tabla


It seems like you are referring to a specific term related to stroke techniques, possibly in the context of music, calligraphy, or another discipline where strokes are utilized. Without additional context, it's challenging to provide a precise answer. If you could provide more details or specify the... read more

It seems like you are referring to a specific term related to stroke techniques, possibly in the context of music, calligraphy, or another discipline where strokes are utilized. Without additional context, it's challenging to provide a precise answer.

If you could provide more details or specify the context in which you are asking about the "ta" stroke, I would be happy to help you with more relevant information. For example, if you're referring to strokes in music, calligraphy, or any other specific field, providing additional information would allow me to offer more accurate guidance.

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Answered on 17 Jan Learn Tabla


Tabla is a traditional Indian percussion instrument with a rich history and a unique set of techniques. Here are some common mistakes to avoid in tabla playing: Incorrect Hand Posture: Maintaining the correct hand posture is crucial. The fingers and palms should be positioned correctly to produce... read more

Tabla is a traditional Indian percussion instrument with a rich history and a unique set of techniques. Here are some common mistakes to avoid in tabla playing:

  1. Incorrect Hand Posture:

    • Maintaining the correct hand posture is crucial. The fingers and palms should be positioned correctly to produce the desired sounds and avoid unnecessary strain on the hands.
  2. Inconsistent Pitch:

    • Tabla players need to produce consistent pitch and tone quality. Inconsistencies in striking the drum surfaces can lead to a lack of clarity and affect the overall musical performance.
  3. Lack of Rhythm Control:

    • Tabla playing is heavily focused on rhythm. It's essential to maintain precise control over the tempo and rhythm patterns. Avoid rushing or slowing down unintentionally.
  4. Poor Balancing of Sound:

    • Tabla players use both hands to create a balanced and harmonious sound. Ensure that both hands are equally strong, and there is a balance between the strokes produced by the dominant hand (the "Dayan") and the accompanying hand (the "Bayan").
  5. Neglecting Basics and Fundamentals:

    • Building a strong foundation is crucial in tabla playing. Neglecting basic strokes, hand positions, and fundamental compositions can hinder progress and lead to difficulties in more advanced playing.
  6. Ignoring Vocal Mimicry:

    • Tabla players often learn by mimicking vocal patterns. Ignoring the nuances of vocal patterns can result in a lack of expressiveness and authenticity in tabla playing.
  7. Overemphasis on Speed:

    • While speed is important, it should not come at the expense of clarity and precision. It's better to play slowly and accurately, gradually increasing speed as proficiency improves.
  8. Improper Tuning:

    • Tabla drums need to be properly tuned to produce the desired tonal quality. Neglecting regular tuning can lead to an undesirable sound and affect the overall performance.
  9. Ignoring Dynamics:

    • Tabla players should be mindful of dynamics, varying the intensity of their strokes to add expressiveness to the performance. Avoid playing every stroke at the same volume.
  10. Not Listening Actively:

    • Active listening is a crucial aspect of tabla playing. Pay attention to the nuances of the music, follow the lead musician or vocalist, and respond appropriately within the context of the performance.

To avoid these mistakes, aspiring tabla players should seek guidance from experienced teachers, practice regularly, and pay attention to the nuances of the instrument. It's also beneficial to listen to accomplished tabla players to understand the subtleties of the art form.

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Answered on 22/12/2023 Learn Harmonium


"Let the melody of music guide your heart and the rhythm of life."

Do You Want To Learn Complete Harmonium Major And Minor Scale? That’s Good! Today, I Am Going To Discuss The Major And Minor Scale For Beginners. So, You Need To Stay With Me!
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Answered on 22/12/2023 Learn Harmonium


"Let the melody of music guide your heart and the rhythm of life."

Indian classical music, including its two varieties, Carnatic and Hindustani music, has a rich music tradition and enjoys a wide audience from various parts of the world. The Carnatic music which is more popular in South India still continues to be uninfluenced by other music traditions and ... read more

Indian classical music, including its two varieties, Carnatic and Hindustani music, has a rich music tradition and enjoys a wide audience from various parts of the world. The Carnatic music which is more popular in South India still continues to be uninfluenced by other music traditions and ...

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Answered on 22/12/2023 Learn Harmonium


"Let the melody of music guide your heart and the rhythm of life."

ood Rhythm and Timing are hallmarks of all great musicians but it can be hard to perfect your sense of rhythm. Here are four practical techniques you can use.
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Answered on 18/12/2023 Learn Tabla

Ajay Dubey

Title: Harmonizing Melodies: Songs Showcasing Exquisite Tabla Artistry Introduction: As a dedicated tabla tutor on UrbanPro.com, I'm thrilled to share insights into songs where the tabla takes center stage, showcasing its rhythmic brilliance. 1. Timeless Classics with Tabla Brilliance: "Tere Bina"... read more

Title: Harmonizing Melodies: Songs Showcasing Exquisite Tabla Artistry

Introduction: As a dedicated tabla tutor on UrbanPro.com, I'm thrilled to share insights into songs where the tabla takes center stage, showcasing its rhythmic brilliance.

1. Timeless Classics with Tabla Brilliance:

  • "Tere Bina" by A.R. Rahman:

    • This soulful composition features intricate tabla beats, elevating the song's emotional depth.
  • "Mora Saiyaan" by Fariha Pervez:

    • A fusion of classical and contemporary styles, with the tabla adding a layer of sophistication to the melody.

2. Bollywood Gems with Tabla Magic:

  • "Tum Jo Aaye" from "Once Upon a Time in Mumbaai":

    • The tabla beautifully complements the romantic essence of the song, enhancing its overall charm.
  • "Ghanan Ghanan" from "Lagaan":

    • A folk-inspired track with prominent tabla beats, capturing the spirit of celebration.

3. Fusion Marvels Featuring Tabla:

  • "Raga Saga" by Zakir Hussain:

    • A fusion masterpiece where Zakir Hussain's tabla expertise shines, blending seamlessly with other instruments.
  • "Tabla Beat Science" Album:

    • An entire album dedicated to showcasing tabla's versatility in various electronic and global music contexts.

4. UrbanPro's Tabla Coaching for Aspiring Enthusiasts:

  • Tailored Learning Experience:

    • UrbanPro's tabla tutors offer personalized coaching, ensuring students grasp the nuances of tabla playing.
  • Mastering Techniques:

    • Enroll in UrbanPro's courses to master tabla techniques, learning to play like the maestros behind these iconic songs.

Conclusion: These songs exemplify the mesmerizing use of tabla, blending seamlessly with diverse musical genres. Explore UrbanPro.com's tabla coaching to embark on a musical journey, mastering this intricate art form with expert guidance.

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Answered on 18/12/2023 Learn Tabla

Ajay Dubey

Title: Unveiling the Art of Tabla: An Overview Introduction: As a seasoned tabla tutor on UrbanPro.com, let me provide you with a concise overview of this captivating percussion instrument. 1. Definition of Tabla: The tabla is a traditional Indian percussion instrument renowned for its dynamic and... read more

Title: Unveiling the Art of Tabla: An Overview

Introduction: As a seasoned tabla tutor on UrbanPro.com, let me provide you with a concise overview of this captivating percussion instrument.

1. Definition of Tabla:

  • The tabla is a traditional Indian percussion instrument renowned for its dynamic and intricate rhythmic patterns.

2. Structure:

  • Drum Set:

    • It consists of a pair of hand-played drums—a smaller drum called the "dayan" (right) and a larger drum known as the "bayan" (left).
  • Materials:

    • Crafted from wood, clay, or metal, the drums are topped with animal skin, typically from goats or cows.

3. Playing Technique:

  • Hand Movements:

    • Tabla playing involves intricate hand movements, each producing distinct sounds and rhythms.
  • Finger Techniques:

    • Musicians use specific finger techniques to strike different parts of the drumhead, creating a rich and diverse range of tones.

4. Musical Styles:

  • Versatility:

    • Tabla is a versatile instrument used in various musical styles, including classical, devotional, and contemporary genres.
  • Accompaniment:

    • It often serves as an accompaniment to vocal and instrumental performances, elevating the overall musical experience.

5. UrbanPro's Tabla Courses:

  • Comprehensive Learning:

    • Explore online tabla courses on UrbanPro.com, offering comprehensive lessons for beginners and advanced learners.
  • Experienced Tutors:

    • Benefit from the expertise of experienced tabla tutors who guide you through the nuances of playing this captivating instrument.

Conclusion: The tabla, with its rich history and intricate rhythms, stands as a testament to the beauty of Indian classical music. Explore the world of tabla through UrbanPro's online courses, where expert tutors await to impart their knowledge and passion for this exceptional percussion instrument.

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Answered on 18/12/2023 Learn Tabla

Ajay Dubey

Title: Crafting the Melody: The Art of Making Tabla Introduction: As a dedicated tabla tutor on UrbanPro.com, let's delve into the fascinating process of crafting the tabla, an integral part of Indian classical music. 1. Materials Used: Wood: Tabla drums are traditionally crafted from high-quality... read more

Title: Crafting the Melody: The Art of Making Tabla

Introduction: As a dedicated tabla tutor on UrbanPro.com, let's delve into the fascinating process of crafting the tabla, an integral part of Indian classical music.

1. Materials Used:

  • Wood:

    • Tabla drums are traditionally crafted from high-quality wood, chosen for its resonance and durability.
  • Animal Skin:

    • The drumheads are typically made from animal skin, commonly sourced from goats or cows, providing a natural and authentic tone.

2. Construction Process:

  • Shaping the Drum:

    • The wooden shells for the smaller dayan (right drum) and larger bayan (left drum) are carefully shaped to precision.
  • Attaching the Drumheads:

    • Skilled artisans expertly attach the selected animal skin to the drum shells, ensuring a tight and responsive surface.

3. Tuning the Tabla:

  • Adjusting Tension:

    • The tension of the drumheads is finely tuned to achieve specific pitches, creating a harmonious blend of tones.
  • Fine-Tuning Rings:

    • Metal rings, known as "gatta," are strategically placed to fine-tune the pitch, allowing for precise control over the sound.

4. Decorative Elements:

  • Artistic Embellishments:

    • Tablas often feature intricate designs and artistic embellishments, showcasing the craftsmanship and cultural significance.
  • Carvings and Inlays:

    • Artisans may incorporate carvings, inlays, or ornate patterns, adding aesthetic value to the instrument.

5. UrbanPro's Tabla Crafting Courses:

  • Explore the Craft:

    • UrbanPro.com offers online tabla crafting courses, providing enthusiasts with insights into the meticulous art of making tablas.
  • Expert Guidance:

    • Learn from experienced tutors who share their expertise, offering step-by-step guidance in crafting this revered percussion instrument.

Conclusion: Crafting a tabla is a meticulous art that combines skill, tradition, and a deep understanding of musical nuances. Discover the secrets of tabla making through UrbanPro's online courses, where experienced tutors impart knowledge and passion for this age-old craft.

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Answered on 23 Jan Learn Veena

Ajay Dubey

Experienced AI Automation Tutor's Perspective on Online Music Classes As a seasoned tutor registered on UrbanPro.com, my primary focus is on AI automation coaching. However, I appreciate the significance of online education, including online music classes. Here are my views: 1. Accessibility and Convenience Online... read more

Experienced AI Automation Tutor's Perspective on Online Music Classes

As a seasoned tutor registered on UrbanPro.com, my primary focus is on AI automation coaching. However, I appreciate the significance of online education, including online music classes. Here are my views:

1. Accessibility and Convenience

  • Online music classes provide unparalleled accessibility, allowing students to learn from the comfort of their homes.
  • The convenience of scheduling classes at flexible timings accommodates various schedules.

2. Diverse Options and Expert Instructors

  • Online platforms like UrbanPro.com offer a diverse range of music classes, connecting students with expert instructors.
  • Students can explore various music genres and find instructors specializing in their preferred style.

3. Technological Advancements Enhancing Learning

  • Incorporation of technology in online music classes enhances the learning experience.
  • Interactive tools, virtual practice sessions, and multimedia resources contribute to a dynamic and engaging learning environment.

4. Cost-Effective Learning

  • Online music classes often prove to be cost-effective compared to traditional in-person lessons.
  • Students can access quality instruction without additional expenses associated with commuting or renting physical spaces.

5. Flexibility in Learning Styles

  • Online music classes cater to diverse learning styles, allowing students to choose the format that suits them best.
  • Visual learners can benefit from video tutorials, while others may prefer live interactive sessions.

6. Showcase of Talents

  • Online platforms provide opportunities for students to showcase their talents through virtual performances and online recitals.
  • This exposure contributes to building confidence and a sense of accomplishment.


In conclusion, online music classes, facilitated by platforms like UrbanPro.com, offer a valuable and convenient avenue for learning. The accessibility, diverse options, technological enhancements, cost-effectiveness, and flexibility make online music classes a compelling choice for aspiring musicians.

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Answered on 18 Jan Learn Harmonium

Ajay Dubey

Title: Navigating Pune's Harmonium Instruction: Finding the Best Teacher Introduction: As a dedicated cello tutor on UrbanPro.com, identifying the best harmonium music teacher in Pune involves a strategic approach. Let's explore key considerations and resources to assist in this quest. **1. Defining... read more

Title: Navigating Pune's Harmonium Instruction: Finding the Best Teacher

Introduction: As a dedicated cello tutor on UrbanPro.com, identifying the best harmonium music teacher in Pune involves a strategic approach. Let's explore key considerations and resources to assist in this quest.

**1. Defining "Best" Teacher:

  • Individual Preferences: The definition of the "best" teacher varies based on individual learning styles, goals, and preferences.
  • Skill Level Matching: Seek a harmonium teacher whose expertise aligns with your current skill level and musical aspirations.

**2. Utilizing UrbanPro's Resources:

  • Search Filters: Utilize UrbanPro's search filters to narrow down harmonium teachers based on location, ratings, and expertise.
  • Reviews and Ratings: Read reviews and ratings from students to gauge the effectiveness and teaching style of potential instructors.

**3. Online Coaching Opportunities:

  • Virtual Learning: Explore online coaching options, allowing you to access top-notch harmonium instructors regardless of geographical constraints.
  • UrbanPro's Online Teaching Platform: UrbanPro facilitates online coaching, providing a platform for seamless virtual music lessons.

**4. Local Music Schools and Academies:

  • Research Local Schools: Investigate renowned music schools and academies in Pune known for their harmonium instruction.
  • In-Person Options: If preferring in-person lessons, explore teachers associated with established music institutions.

**5. Teacher-Student Compatibility:

  • Trial Lessons: Opt for trial lessons to assess the compatibility between the teacher's instructional style and your learning preferences.
  • Communication and Rapport: Effective communication and rapport contribute significantly to the learning experience.

**6. Community Recommendations:

  • Network with Musicians: Connect with local musicians or music communities in Pune for recommendations and insights.
  • UrbanPro Community Discussions: Engage in UrbanPro's community discussions to seek advice and experiences from fellow music enthusiasts.

**7. UrbanPro's Commitment to Quality Instruction:

  • Trusted Marketplace: UrbanPro is a trusted marketplace for cello training, extending its commitment to quality instruction across various musical disciplines, including harmonium.
  • Verified Profiles: UrbanPro verifies teacher profiles to ensure authenticity and credibility.

Conclusion: Personalized Quest for Excellence

Identifying the best harmonium music teacher in Pune is a personalized quest that involves considering individual preferences, utilizing online resources, and seeking community recommendations. UrbanPro, a trusted marketplace for cello training, extends its commitment to excellence in music education, providing valuable resources and a supportive community for learners. Through careful exploration and engagement, you can find a harmonium teacher in Pune who aligns perfectly with your musical journey.

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